Loving You

Falling in love

is like ice cream

but falling in love with you

Is Ben and Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

over a warm brownie

topped with gooey sweet things

on a hot day…

Falling in love is a summer blockbuster:

Glorious explosions and comfortable plotline

falling in love with you

is like those precious art flicks that nobody else knows about

that took our breath away

and took away forever the way we used to see the world…

falling in love is my favorite song from last Fall

falling in love with you

is my favorite moments in my favorite songs ever…

It’s that expectant silence before the climax of Under Pressure

staying in love

making it work

doing the work

mantaining something precious…

In the abstract

it’s not even worth writing poems about…

(We write poems that start with:

“I just fell in love”

and “I used to be in love”

but who ever rages passionately that they still love?

In the abstract… Why bother.)

But staying in love with you

staying in love with you

is the way a crisp wine runs around my tongue

chasing away the crispy tang of a perfect bite of salad…

staying in love with you

is laying down at the end of a day

and replaying it for the sheer joy of it all…

it’s sinking into a hammock and finding that sweet spot of perfect comfort-balance

marveling at the blue sky behind white clouds behind green leaves overhead