Don’t bother with my drivel. Read this stuff instead.

I don’t have anything to say that compares with any of the following.  Don’t read anything on my blog until you’ve checked out the following:

Trade As One This organization makes available a wide variety of goods made by people living from corners of the world that are threatened by HIV, human slavery, and starvation.  If you live in central massachusetts and want something (and order it before November 20th) email me at I’ll tell you how to get free shipping.

invisible children– Use film, fund raisers, high school students, and an army of idealistic college aged kids to spread the word about the situation in Northern Ugandi: the rebel army abducts children and forces them to fight in the civil war.  This group spoke at the school I teach at.  They showed the film “Go” which was outstanding film making.

Jenn with 2 n’s.  Jenn is somebody I kind-of sort of new before I started blogging.  Her blog has been one of my favorite reads over the last year.  Recently, she’s been diagnosed with breast cancer.   Her reflections on this experience are heart breaking, hilarious, and so inspiring.

Fellowship Holden Recently refurbished web site for the coolest church in the world.  (Jesus loves it when we brag about our church.  Honestly.)  Among other things, you can hear messages from Marty and watch the services live on Sundays.

Jeff Goin’s blog.  He’s the editor (in chief?) of Wrecked for the Ordinary.  This story in particular was just mind-boggling to me.

Wrecked for the Ordinary…

Check this out:
This week, they posted a blog I’d written a little while ago. (It’s in the culture section) They have way cooler graphics, lay out, and introduction than I do. (They also have a “real” picture of me, unlike my avatar which is all silver, black, and starting to annoy me.)
And the stuff on this site… wow!!! It’s an honor to be in the same (cyber)space as some of those folks. Seriously, stop wasting time on my blog and go scope out wrecked for the ordinary.